aanor1: plastic food
aanor1: dragon and Loren
aanor1: dragon fountain 2
aanor1: dragon fountain
aanor1: life is living you
aanor1: bicycle parking
aanor1: Lion overlooking Gion district
aanor1: happy hair story
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 4
aanor1: roof detail - Fushini Inari
aanor1: paper cranes on prayer wall - Fushimi Inari Shrine
aanor1: fox with key
aanor1: gate, Yasaka-Jinja Shrine
aanor1: shrine gates at fushimi-inari 4
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 3
aanor1: old stone
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 7
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 6
aanor1: grave and cobweb
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 5
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 2
aanor1: graves at Fushimi-Inari 1
aanor1: rusty sign
aanor1: dragon with gold teeth
aanor1: prayers tied to a tree branch
aanor1: prayer papers
aanor1: shrine gates at fushimi-inari 5
aanor1: another fox
aanor1: stone with hole
aanor1: shrine gates at fushimi-inari 3