PatrickSmithPhotography: Maelstrom #3 -Kauai, Hawaii
A-Cre8tive-lady: My Brother Finely Tied The knot!
Sara Richer: Blowing Gently in the Breeze
powerpig: Let's Be Friends
erik clausen: IMG_1116.a
Kamepyon: Baby Loves Banjo
OneEighteen: Night Run II, 1st Half
A-Cre8tive-lady: ~This Is For All You Cat Lovers~
sandossu: Nothing beats the durex warranty
BlueDjinn: Living by a pond
4Real: on silent wings
Mixed Species: Hairy with the best sign ever
4Real: 16 Things Tag
4Real: "Carpe Diem"
4Real: hope hangs on
mindbottling: Budget Cuts
4Real: morning solitude
A-Cre8tive-lady: ~BURNING PASSION~
Tennessee_Gator: Silhouetted against the setting hummingbird
Dimitri Depaepe: The Essence Of Life
4Real: a bee's eye view
dave_DEfusion: Lunar - Shot A - Stacked
_Massimo_: Part of me
**Elle**: Framed
A-Cre8tive-lady: ~Beautiful In Every Way~