Blue Dot Walker: Pre-wedding blessings
Blue Dot Walker: Blessed by the ones who brought her into this world
Blue Dot Walker: Tell me all about it!
Blue Dot Walker: Hey look, they made it!!!
Blue Dot Walker: Wedding game ritual
Blue Dot Walker: The sacred mantras that tie you in marriage
Blue Dot Walker: Will forever hold this hand in mine...
Blue Dot Walker: Blessings to the couple
Blue Dot Walker: Two of the favorite women of my life...
Blue Dot Walker: On paper
Blue Dot Walker: Hold on to me forever
Blue Dot Walker: Tiny fist
Blue Dot Walker: Vivaan [ - in color]
Blue Dot Walker: Post oil massage - ahh the contented look... : )
Blue Dot Walker: Hmm... so lemme see...
Blue Dot Walker: Karaoke?
Blue Dot Walker: At it...
Blue Dot Walker: One light portrait
Blue Dot Walker: Morning to you!
Blue Dot Walker: Wedding rituals
Blue Dot Walker: Afternoon Ruminations.
Blue Dot Walker: Time to make buying decisions - Greed at a bookstore begets distress!!! : )
Blue Dot Walker: A beautiful moment...