Blue Dot Walker: Happy times
Blue Dot Walker: A playful evening by the river
Blue Dot Walker: Quick nap with a relaxing head massage
Blue Dot Walker: Afternoon Ruminations.
Blue Dot Walker: A creation in charcoal by Ajit De, Mumbai, India
Blue Dot Walker: Games with Grandpa!
Blue Dot Walker: Lost in her own world...
Blue Dot Walker: Celebrate every day. For you are ALIVE!!!
Blue Dot Walker: Wow! Really?
Blue Dot Walker: I want Ice-cream!
Blue Dot Walker: Small car!
Blue Dot Walker: OK, I'll let you sleep for a bit ma!
Blue Dot Walker: Boy! Ain't I tiny!?
Blue Dot Walker: Fun moments... with ma n bro!
Blue Dot Walker: Hold me tender : )
Blue Dot Walker: Stealing a scene
Blue Dot Walker: Reviewing Vibodh