bluebus: Hawaiian Guitar?
bluebus: Drumsticks
bluebus: Drummer
bluebus: Drumming
bluebus: Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Hubcap Moon smiling
bluebus: Drummer
bluebus: The Trailer Trash Orchestra doing their sound check.
bluebus: Des from the Trailer Trash Orchestra
bluebus: Trailer Trash Orchestra
bluebus: Trailer Trash Orchestra
bluebus: Gray J Wall from the Trailer Trash Orchestra with Des
bluebus: The Trailer Trash Orchestra
bluebus: Playing the Hawaiian Guitar(?)
bluebus: Playing the Hawaiian Guitar(?)
bluebus: The Trailer Trash Orchestra
bluebus: The ladies from Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Squeezebox
bluebus: Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Hubcap Moon
bluebus: Marching Norman
bluebus: Marching Norman tuning up
bluebus: Sound assistant
bluebus: Polka Dot girls
bluebus: Polka Dot Girls
bluebus: David Hoare
bluebus: Dinner for Hubcap Moon
bluebus: David Hoare plays for Hubcap Moon