bluebird218: Leaving the motel in Billings, Montana
bluebird218: Daddy at Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: Beartooth Scenic Byway
bluebird218: Beartooth Scenic Byway
bluebird218: Beartooth Scenic Byway
bluebird218: Beartooth Scenic Byway
bluebird218: Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: Tree at Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: Gloria at Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: Me at Rock Creek Vista Overlook
bluebird218: High in the Beartooth Mountains
bluebird218: Daddy, Jim, and Gloria at the Wyoming state line
bluebird218: Me, Daddy, and Gloria at the Wyoming state line
bluebird218: Welcome to Wyoming
bluebird218: Welcome to Wyoming
bluebird218: Wyoming Mountains
bluebird218: Gloria at Twin Lakes Overlook
bluebird218: I'd like to be cruising down that road again
bluebird218: Another Lake in Wyoming
bluebird218: Another Lake in Wyoming
bluebird218: Long Lake in Wyoming
bluebird218: Another Lake in Wyoming
bluebird218: Little Bear Creek
bluebird218: Pilot and Index Peaks
bluebird218: Daddy at Dead Indian Overlook
bluebird218: Lake Creek Falls
bluebird218: Chief Joseph Scenic Highway
bluebird218: Nez Perce National Historic Trail
bluebird218: Chief Joseph Scenic Highway