Blueberry Pics: Double-crested Cormorant IMG_2911
Blueberry Pics: Northern Pintail IMG_2921
Blueberry Pics: IMG_2630
Blueberry Pics: IMG_2545
Blueberry Pics: IMG_2536
Blueberry Pics: Western Kingbird IMG_0961
Blueberry Pics: Serious singing IMG_0781
Blueberry Pics: Newly fledged IMG_0784
Blueberry Pics: Bald Eagle at the chicken farm IMG_0732
Blueberry Pics: Casing the hen house IMG_0726
Blueberry Pics: Marsh Wren IMG_0652b
Blueberry Pics: Eared Grebe IMG_0633
Blueberry Pics: Marsh Wren IMG_0642
Blueberry Pics: IMG_4161
Blueberry Pics: Yellow-rumped Warbler IMG_4090
Blueberry Pics: Evening Grosbeak IMG_4086
Blueberry Pics: IMG_4039
Blueberry Pics: Clarke's Nutcracker IMG_3981
Blueberry Pics: Raven in the wind IMG_3993
Blueberry Pics: IMG_3815
Blueberry Pics: Tree Swallow and...snack IMG_3809a
Blueberry Pics: Tree Swallow IMG_3803
Blueberry Pics: Barn Swallow IMG_3727a
Blueberry Pics: Shorebirds IMG_3518
Blueberry Pics: IMG_3454
Blueberry Pics: Lewis's Woodpecker IMG_3391
Blueberry Pics: IMG_3275
Blueberry Pics: Mountain Bluebird IMG_3274
Blueberry Pics: Mountain Bluebird IMG_3272
Blueberry Pics: Anna's Hummingbird IMG_2244