BlueBee~Karen: rolling along
BlueBee~Karen: “Domino effect: Once you drop a good idea, the rest will follow”
BlueBee~Karen: “The integrity of the game is everything.”
BlueBee~Karen: rosebud
BlueBee~Karen: flame resistant pajama girl
BlueBee~Karen: I only promise the little things. The big things don't pay attention to what I want anyhow.
BlueBee~Karen: h o m e w o r k...
BlueBee~Karen: 'praise the young and they will blossom'
BlueBee~Karen: “Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.”
BlueBee~Karen: behind a genius
BlueBee~Karen: d e p t h
BlueBee~Karen: p a r a l l e l s
BlueBee~Karen: "You can't help that. We're all mad here."
BlueBee~Karen: head shop
BlueBee~Karen: that's all...