BlueBee~Karen: Bench Monday~on Zephyr winds this time
BlueBee~Karen: wild blue
BlueBee~Karen: flare vulture
BlueBee~Karen: surprise!
BlueBee~Karen: time to reclaim...
BlueBee~Karen: you say potatohead...
BlueBee~Karen: jumps happen
BlueBee~Karen: yeah...well...
BlueBee~Karen: it is almost time to fly......
BlueBee~Karen: & text...
BlueBee~Karen: and I ♥...
BlueBee~Karen: and I ♥
BlueBee~Karen: i jump...
BlueBee~Karen: “Why did men worship in churches, locking themselves away in the dark, when the world lay beyond its doors in all its real glory?”
BlueBee~Karen: a jump start day...
BlueBee~Karen: even the Amish see more than black and white...
BlueBee~Karen: Bench Monday~Dear Santa....
BlueBee~Karen: fa la la la...frustrated!
BlueBee~Karen: Bench Monday~ air (mail) bench
BlueBee~Karen: i jump for sepia
BlueBee~Karen: fence ✔ flare✔ jump ✔
BlueBee~Karen: GOODBYE SNOW!
BlueBee~Karen: i tried to take her for a walk...but all my human wanted to do was fly
BlueBee~Karen: headless 10 cent love