BlueBee~Karen: Lucky number 7
BlueBee~Karen: flying without wings
BlueBee~Karen: Wish boots
BlueBee~Karen: my lucky dress
BlueBee~Karen: chemistry
BlueBee~Karen: thought for the day
BlueBee~Karen: gratitude
BlueBee~Karen: my lucky necklace
BlueBee~Karen: sunshine at the end of the day
BlueBee~Karen: a very lucky day!
BlueBee~Karen: this place was awesome!
BlueBee~Karen: TDD 5...mission completed
BlueBee~Karen: "the fruits of knowledge"
BlueBee~Karen: ducks in a row
BlueBee~Karen: just hanging with my friend
BlueBee~Karen: k is for key
BlueBee~Karen: I is for intuition
BlueBee~Karen: you say potatohead...