BlueBee~Karen: A lone grackle takes a rest from it's dance
BlueBee~Karen: A safe place to rest
BlueBee~Karen: a very brief visit
BlueBee~Karen: sweet nothings
BlueBee~Karen: it floated down to my feet
BlueBee~Karen: "long you live and high you'll fly...
BlueBee~Karen: "We are each of us angels with only one wing,
BlueBee~Karen: TDD 5...mission completed
BlueBee~Karen: ducks in a row
BlueBee~Karen: just hanging with my friend
BlueBee~Karen: Turkey Vulture
BlueBee~Karen: tree trimming
BlueBee~Karen: "Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life"
BlueBee~Karen: he digs food
BlueBee~Karen: merry titmouse
BlueBee~Karen: santa's helper
BlueBee~Karen: dinner by candlelight
BlueBee~Karen: knock knock