BlueBee~Karen: flying the right direction
BlueBee~Karen: captured sprinkles of life giving sun
BlueBee~Karen: "I'm walking on sunshine, wooah and don't it feel good!"
BlueBee~Karen: twinkle toe
BlueBee~Karen: pho⋅to⋅syn⋅the⋅sis
BlueBee~Karen: star spangled
BlueBee~Karen: Observance
BlueBee~Karen: one more wave of flare
BlueBee~Karen: keep it's future bright
BlueBee~Karen: Summer casts her spell
BlueBee~Karen: Thank You Flickr Friends
BlueBee~Karen: catching some rays
BlueBee~Karen: Grasshopper with flare
BlueBee~Karen: just passing by
BlueBee~Karen: this is what summer in the country feels like
BlueBee~Karen: addiction...
BlueBee~Karen: kiss...
BlueBee~Karen: in giving...we receive
BlueBee~Karen: sense of touch
BlueBee~Karen: can't control myself these days
BlueBee~Karen: holding down the earth
BlueBee~Karen: Peace Out!
BlueBee~Karen: witch stripe hipsters
BlueBee~Karen: who let the dogs out?
BlueBee~Karen: woot woot flare
BlueBee~Karen: beach hair flair
BlueBee~Karen: mast and flag flare
BlueBee~Karen: cheers!
BlueBee~Karen: i just have a knack for flare