Blue Algae Creative: newly imprissoned soul
Blue Algae Creative: poets and warriors
Blue Algae Creative: Deep in the gray
Blue Algae Creative: disreputable
Blue Algae Creative: safely amidst
Blue Algae Creative: as a child in light
Blue Algae Creative: as the tide is turning
Blue Algae Creative: snow in may
Blue Algae Creative: it was snowing
Blue Algae Creative: you cannot wake
Blue Algae Creative: morning window
Blue Algae Creative: i dont know how to touch my soul to yours
Blue Algae Creative: Everything Trying
Blue Algae Creative: back to you
Blue Algae Creative: dear husband
Blue Algae Creative: eyes closed
Blue Algae Creative: my soul to save
Blue Algae Creative: As if you will return to me...
Blue Algae Creative: raining raining
Blue Algae Creative: cold is the water
Blue Algae Creative: it will steal your innocence but not your substance
Blue Algae Creative: hold your hand
Blue Algae Creative: through a rain streaked window
Blue Algae Creative: two wet windows