Blue Poppy: Shanghai: view from hotel window - old replaced by new, mostly high rises.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: view from hotel window
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: view from hotel window.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Landmark - The Bund.
Blue Poppy: On the Bund in Shanghai - family photo
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: Auxiliary Traffic Wardens march in formation on Bund.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: Living wall along Bund.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: Shanghai Bull or Bund Financial Bull or Bund Bull (2010). A derivative of Arturo Di Modica's Charging Bull in New York City. Bund Bull leans to right vs NYC Bull leans left, Bund Bull has more menacing tail.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai skyline
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: The Huangpu River
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: The Bund, one of the landmarks of Shanghai
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: the Custom House, reminder of colonial Shanghai and western influences.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: walking on promenade, skyline of Shanghai
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: the living wall is a tourist attraction
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: a living wall, behind is the Huangpu River
Blue Poppy: Shanghai: walking along the Bund, banks, hotels, build during colonial times, late 19th, early 20th century
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: Bronze Gallery - Ancient bronze bells , bianzhong, of Jin Hou Su.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: bronze food vessel, 11th century.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: admiring an ancient bronze vessel.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum:
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: Child-shaped pillow with black designs on a white ground. Cizhou Ware, Jin Dynasty, A.D. 1115-1234.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: Polychrome Pottery, statue of Tomb Guardian Beast, Tang, 618-907
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: Polychrome glazed pottery Statue of Heavenly Guardian. Tang, 618-907.
Blue Poppy: Shanghai Museum: Celandon Jar with modeled human figurines, birds and architecture. Western Jin, A.D. 265-317.