Blue Poppy: Happy about the visitors!
Blue Poppy: In the gondola on the way up!
Blue Poppy: It is cold!
Blue Poppy: View from top of gondola on to Lyttelton Harbor. The 'Cap Manuel' is unloaded at the rear pier.
Blue Poppy: NZ Navy ship had L421 on side
Blue Poppy: Unloading of a container ship, an old tug ... a busy harbor
Blue Poppy: Lyttelton Harbor: NZ navy ship
Blue Poppy: Lyttelton Habor: a whaler
Blue Poppy: Extensive surface root system of the kahikatea tree with vines of the native passion fruit
Blue Poppy: Kahikatea tree
Blue Poppy: Under an arbor of native passion fruit vines
Blue Poppy: Father and son in front of the old Copper Beach
Blue Poppy: The only view of Mt. Cook
Blue Poppy: Landing in Queenstown with Lake Wakatipu in distance
Blue Poppy: Admiring clean, clear water and wide valleys
Blue Poppy: Lake Wakatipu and the long shadows of fall
Blue Poppy: Enjoying the wonderful scenery at Lake Wakatipu
Blue Poppy: Waiting for the photos to be taken
Blue Poppy: Approaching Moosburn
Blue Poppy: On the way to Te Anau
Blue Poppy: An alley of huge Eucalyptus trees along the waters of Lake Te Anau
Blue Poppy: Lise and "The Hiker" in the Ivon Wilson Park at Lake Te Anau
Blue Poppy: Lake Te Anau in late afternoon
Blue Poppy: Sun set over Lake Te Anau, it is getting cold
Blue Poppy: The poisonous death cap mushroom (Amanita muscaria) thank you, podyyyyyyyyy!
Blue Poppy: Walking in the Southlands Department of Conservation Nature Reserve with native flora at lake side
Blue Poppy: The silence of the Sound: ship and people just listening ... even the water is still..
Blue Poppy: The big catamaran that took us through Doubtful Sound
Blue Poppy: Racing towards Manapouri in late afternoon
Blue Poppy: Lake Hayes outside of Queenstown