Blue Poppy: George Freia Sonia Katherine Uli in Freiburg enjoying a locally brewed beer
Blue Poppy: Katherine Uli George Freia Ian in Freiburg sitting under a fig tree
Blue Poppy: Ian Sonia Uli in Freiburg
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: The sunken garden
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: Perenial border
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: Multiple shades of Delphiniums
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: George with Joe Pye Weed and Agapanthus
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: All pink - phlox
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam: Hanfried, Petra, George at pond in sunken garden
Blue Poppy: Foersters Home, Agapanthus in the sunken garden
Blue Poppy: Karl Foerster's Garden, Potsdam Phlox, Nicotiana
Blue Poppy: Only in Germany: Tram-Track-Cleaner Tram
Blue Poppy: In the park of Sansoussi
Blue Poppy: The New Palais, build for visitors of Frederick the Great
Blue Poppy: The Orangerie in Park of Sansoussi
Blue Poppy: View from the Orangerie in the Park of Sansoussi
Blue Poppy: View from the Orangerie in the Park of Sansoussi
Blue Poppy: Flower border using plants of the period
Blue Poppy: Approaching Sansoussi from the back
Blue Poppy: Statue of a hunter
Blue Poppy: Frederick the Great's Sansoussi, back view
Blue Poppy: Frederick the Great's Sansoussi, back view
Blue Poppy: Frederick the Great's Sansoussi, back view
Blue Poppy: Frederick the Great's Sansoussi, back view
Blue Poppy: Chinese Teahouse
Blue Poppy: The very modern Main Train Station
Blue Poppy: Here is the Capital
Blue Poppy: Looking towards the Reichstag from the platform
Blue Poppy: Waiting for the train to Freiburg in Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Blue Poppy: Freiburg im Breisgau