Blue Poppy: Fresh berries
Blue Poppy: Potato croquets
Blue Poppy: Champagne for starters
Blue Poppy: Prosit!
Blue Poppy: George is about to carve the bird
Blue Poppy: All set for dnner
Blue Poppy: Hmm ... Red wine and roast beef
Blue Poppy: Stefanie
Blue Poppy: Preparations finished, let's start ...
Blue Poppy: Too much?
Blue Poppy: Uli and Stefanie Wohl bekomms!
Blue Poppy: The jolly couple
Blue Poppy: Unter Ilex im Arboretum
Blue Poppy: Beeren vom Ilex
Blue Poppy: George, Freia and Katherine
Blue Poppy: A 150 year old Willow Oak in the Arboretum
Blue Poppy: A warm winter day
Blue Poppy: Katherine
Blue Poppy: Freia, Stefanie, Uli and Katherine