Gavin G.: Waikiki sunset-ed
Gavin G.: Using the tv as a reflection lol
Gavin G.: Beautiful glass i found in the cabinet :)
Gavin G.: inspired to play with water by Colby
Gavin G.: BUBBLES!!!
Gavin G.: Zionic Coconutty
Gavin G.: Present from Calen and Lori :)
Gavin G.: I am Napolean
Gavin G.: Thanks Calen and Lori
Gavin G.: Trippy leaf
Gavin G.: smokey stan
Gavin G.: Candid
Gavin G.: BAM!
Gavin G.: washed up on shore
Gavin G.: Eldon goin up
Gavin G.: Eldon stalking some flounders
Gavin G.: cleanlookingdirtywater
Gavin G.: Cave Ichi-ban
Gavin G.: Eagle eatin'
Gavin G.: peesh
Gavin G.: a holes
Gavin G.: 20 ft deep lol
Gavin G.: Turts
Gavin G.: `Alalauwa
Gavin G.: Contrasty Selfie
Gavin G.: _DSC0398
Gavin G.: _DSC0388
Gavin G.: _DSC0109
Gavin G.: _DSC0326
Gavin G.: DSC_0344