Blue_Metal: Prusa right Z rods
Blue_Metal: Prusa right Z rods
Blue_Metal: Prusa back side
Blue_Metal: Prusa front
Blue_Metal: Prusa left z rods
Blue_Metal: Prusa left side
Blue_Metal: Prusa right side
Blue_Metal: 3mm thick bottom with 40% fill
Blue_Metal: Inside and not where the z heigth changes
Blue_Metal: Outside bottom layers are perfect
Blue_Metal: Skeinforge (left) x Slic3r
Blue_Metal: Skeinforge (left) x Slic3r
Blue_Metal: Simple container bottom
Blue_Metal: Simple container inside
Blue_Metal: Simple container outside
Blue_Metal: Z-Coupler
Blue_Metal: Clear PLA vase
Blue_Metal: Clear PLA Vase