bloomie: Waiting for the Metra
bloomie: Waiting
bloomie: Waiting
bloomie: Waiting with flash
bloomie: Beach volleyball
bloomie: This is Chicago in October
bloomie: Brunch with Eric and Dana
bloomie: The Drake - from My Best Friends Wedding!
bloomie: Again, it's October. In Chicago.
bloomie: It was cold
bloomie: In Lake Michigan
bloomie: With Dobs
bloomie: More cuteness
bloomie: Why are there palm trees in Chicago?
bloomie: I was fascinated by the party boats
bloomie: So we sat and watched them for awhile
bloomie: Riding the tourist trolley
bloomie: Riding some more
bloomie: Riding upside down
bloomie: Looking at art
bloomie: Very cool sculpture
bloomie: I want to go to a show here
bloomie: Gehry music space
bloomie: The bean
bloomie: Look at us!
bloomie: The bean!
bloomie: Me in the bean
bloomie: IMore vortex photos
bloomie: Bloom and Dobs at the bean
bloomie: The vortex of the bean