bloomie: The dinner table
bloomie: So. Much. Food.
bloomie: DSC01190
bloomie: They're so cute
bloomie: Our lovely hosts for the evening
bloomie: At the dinner table
bloomie: I was so happy Dobs came to visit
bloomie: We're blurry!
bloomie: Me and Dobs
bloomie: Jan is the best
bloomie: I love Jan
bloomie: Me and Jan
bloomie: Me and Jan
bloomie: There are about to be a bunch of the 2 of them
bloomie: Jo and Katy
bloomie: Jo and Katy
bloomie: Dessert
bloomie: Look at her enormous piece of cake
bloomie: Joanna
bloomie: Joanna
bloomie: A gaggle of girls
bloomie: Mona, me and Joanna
bloomie: I dressed in green and white as directed
bloomie: Thinking of words
bloomie: Look at our words!
bloomie: Impressive scrabble board
bloomie: Our dirty scrabble board
bloomie: Joanna and the bravissimo bra