bloocoop: Landed
bloocoop: Look who I ran into
bloocoop: Putting on the clear bra for the long drive home
bloocoop: Our ride for the weekend
bloocoop: Cheap AND 93 octane!
bloocoop: Cheapest fill up TN will see with his ///M5
bloocoop: Dinner at Smithfield's
bloocoop: Gaylord's Opryland
bloocoop: Corvette Convention
bloocoop: Leaving the hotel
bloocoop: Monell's in Nashville, TN
bloocoop: Southern Brunch
bloocoop: Quick stop at Graceland
bloocoop: Clinton Library
bloocoop: Clinton Library
bloocoop: Richard
bloocoop: ///M Power
bloocoop: Doe's in Little Rock
bloocoop: Doe's Eat Place
bloocoop: Z3 Motorcycle Mod
bloocoop: Easy Riders
bloocoop: Cadillac Ranch
bloocoop: Cadillac Ranch
bloocoop: BBQ at Rudy's in Amarillo
bloocoop: Driving to VLA
bloocoop: Quick detour to see the VLA
bloocoop: VLA w/ motion blur
bloocoop: ///M5 @ VLA