Blonde Zilla: cascade sign
Blonde Zilla: sign in
Blonde Zilla: first steps
Blonde Zilla: On the trail
Blonde Zilla: Patti passes me
Blonde Zilla: getting steeper
Blonde Zilla: stair climbing
Blonde Zilla: beam me up
Blonde Zilla: you have got to be kidding me
Blonde Zilla: rocky terrain
Blonde Zilla: a place to rest
Blonde Zilla: hanging out
Blonde Zilla: mountain dew
Blonde Zilla: blocked passage
Blonde Zilla: over the gate
Blonde Zilla: another rocky climb
Blonde Zilla: tough section
Blonde Zilla: great view ahead
Blonde Zilla: walks with stick
Blonde Zilla: first reward
Blonde Zilla: friendly fellows
Blonde Zilla: OMG a flat spot
Blonde Zilla: summit in view
Blonde Zilla: still more to climb
Blonde Zilla: up to the top
Blonde Zilla: resting
Blonde Zilla: looking back to the trail
Blonde Zilla: grand site