Blonde Zilla: CG Tired
Blonde Zilla: CG sexy
Blonde Zilla: CG home
Blonde Zilla: A. J. after freshening up a bit
Blonde Zilla: Orange eyes
Blonde Zilla: Pink eyes - have GOT to go :P
Blonde Zilla: Where are my new dresses ?
Blonde Zilla: Fine ! I'll pick you up a T-shirt and Jeans
Blonde Zilla: Are you coming shopping with me or not
Blonde Zilla: Let's go SHOPPING !
Blonde Zilla: Trying on Barbie Fashion Fever
Blonde Zilla: Hair bow
Blonde Zilla: Cuddling on a Saturday Afternoon
Blonde Zilla: Cuddling on a Saturday Afternoon
Blonde Zilla: Cuddling on a Saturday Afternoon
Blonde Zilla: A.J. and Lar
Blonde Zilla: A.J. is in ecstasy
Blonde Zilla: Which one should I try on FIRST ?
Blonde Zilla: Laying back after the shopping spree
Blonde Zilla: Isn't this a nice surprise !
Blonde Zilla: A.J. HAD to have this
Blonde Zilla: All tired out from shopping
Blonde Zilla: Playing in Jasc paint shop
Blonde Zilla: A.J. Portrait
Blonde Zilla: A.J. feeling cutsie
Blonde Zilla: A.J. loves her kitty outfit
Blonde Zilla: A.J. feeling " Blue "
Blonde Zilla: Rainbow dots and Blue hair with lavender streaks