Blonde Zilla: Meet Sandra Rae
Blonde Zilla: Sandra and pup
Blonde Zilla: Sandra came home today !
Blonde Zilla: Body shot
Blonde Zilla: Head shot
Blonde Zilla: *GASP*
Blonde Zilla: A.J. and Sandi getting to know each other
Blonde Zilla: Bonding
Blonde Zilla: Can you keep a Secret ?
Blonde Zilla: Sandra Rae in the Sun
Blonde Zilla: Sandi loves the camera
Blonde Zilla: Do you think they are for us !??
Blonde Zilla: Hey LOOK ! Sweaters !
Blonde Zilla: Wanna Try some on ?
Blonde Zilla: Sweater love
Blonde Zilla: Sandi and her sweaters
Blonde Zilla: Cool beads and hat
Blonde Zilla: Did you see these beads !?
Blonde Zilla: Hey look It's a BUNNY !
Blonde Zilla: Girls are silly
Blonde Zilla: Sorry I scared you
Blonde Zilla: That was a bit scary
Blonde Zilla: Can you help me down please
Blonde Zilla: Come down before you fall
Blonde Zilla: A.J. get down from there
Blonde Zilla: More new dresses ! ( 1 of 4 )
Blonde Zilla: Nice gifts from LucysPostcardQuilts (2 of 4 )
Blonde Zilla: Sandi wants to keep it ( 3 of 4 )
Blonde Zilla: Well O.K. ( ack they load backwards 4 of 4 )