Sewcialist Librarian: For Sale - Sultana Matress Topper
Sewcialist Librarian: For Sale - Twin Bed
Sewcialist Librarian: For Sale - Car Bike Rack
Sewcialist Librarian: For Sale - Trek 800 Mountain Bike
Sewcialist Librarian: Hovering on the edge of chaos
Sewcialist Librarian: Where the furniture will hide
Sewcialist Librarian: Books that I need to give away
Sewcialist Librarian: Homemade Ice Cream!
Sewcialist Librarian: Spider, spider go away
Sewcialist Librarian: Netflix -- On a MONDAY!
Sewcialist Librarian: Christmas Books
Sewcialist Librarian: Freakish spider web
Sewcialist Librarian: Mmmm, Cherry Limeade!
Sewcialist Librarian: Heart Stained Glass
Sewcialist Librarian: Longhorns -- from high school
Sewcialist Librarian: P1020494.JPG
Sewcialist Librarian: P1020492.JPG
Sewcialist Librarian: P1020490.JPG
Sewcialist Librarian: 07/14/2008 - My newest shot glasses
Sewcialist Librarian: 07/04/2008 - Mmmmm, icewine!
Sewcialist Librarian: 06/19/2008 - The Music Man!
Sewcialist Librarian: 06/17/2008 - Squished