Ponty Birder: Body Language
2 in the bush.: Snow Bunting
PETEJLB: Goldcrest (explored)
glostopcat: Little Egret - On the Rushy Pen
Barbara Evans 7: Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola - At Dusk
geoff'sphotos: Short Eared Owl
N.E Photography: Shortie Fly-by
Farang foto: The Common Jay
John Assheton: Woodcock
Le P'tit Eric!!!!!: Océan Art.....
pauldunn52: Happy (reprise)
geoff'sphotos: Short Eared Owl
PETEJLB: Short-eared Owl
PETEJLB: Nightingale
Ponty Birder: Pick a feather, any feather..
Ponty Birder: Mew Mew Mew
Ponty Birder: Face to Face
Bradley Hamel: A yellow crowned night heron pausing for a photo.
anthonynixon17: Kingfisher .
neilhilton65: Arctic Warbler
PETEJLB: Eurasian Wren
2 in the bush.: Barn Owl [female]
Barbara Evans 7: Lapwing Vanellus vanellus
adecoleman: Red Squirrel
Alan McCluskie: Fallow Deer
neilhilton65: White Admiral
adecoleman: Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula
PETEJLB: Spotted Redshank (explored)