blmurch: Waving the Argentine Flag
blmurch: Neither K, Nor opposition, 100% Human
blmurch: Banging their pot lids
blmurch: Jumping
blmurch: Banging on the barrier that separates the plaza from the Casa Rosada.
blmurch: Furiously an enthusiastically waving his Argentine flag
blmurch: Impersonating VP Budou and Pres K
blmurch: Making noise on her pan.
blmurch: Plaza de Mayo full through to Av de Mayo.
blmurch: Plaza de Mayo full
blmurch: Cristina - give back the country.
blmurch: Taking photos with her smart phone.
blmurch: Flipping off K
blmurch: Yelling at the helicopter overhead
blmurch: Making lots of noise
blmurch: Basta
blmurch: Banging two pots together
blmurch: His system was so loud, he had his own ear protection. He got it all worked out.
blmurch: Anonymous makes an appearance.
blmurch: Vociferous protesting
blmurch: Trollolololol
blmurch: Protesting in the plaza
blmurch: Always need a cowbell
blmurch: Up on the monument
blmurch: Cristina
blmurch: Banged her pot so much she bent it
blmurch: Argentine flag
blmurch: Protesting in front of the Casa Rosada
blmurch: Police on the other side of the barricade.
blmurch: Police through the barricade.