blmurch: Line to buy tickets for the Feria de Libros was 5 blocks long and took 30 minutes to go through
blmurch: Tunnel from one pavilion to the next
blmurch: Feria de Libros inspired by Wikimedia
blmurch: Cherie Magnus reads from her book "Church of Tango"
blmurch: Cherie Magnus signs autographs
blmurch: Holly Murten from the US Embassy introduces the authors
blmurch: Donigan Merrit reads from his book "Blossom"
blmurch: Audience at Book Fair
blmurch: Audience at Book Fair
blmurch: Audience at Book Fair
blmurch: Feria de Libros 2012 11 by Beatrice Murch
blmurch: US Embassy stand
blmurch: US Embassy stand
blmurch: Child uses iPad at US Embassy stand
blmurch: Consequences of a digital lifestyle
blmurch: Steve Jobs and eBooks
blmurch: Children's Books - from the Bible to Sex Ed
blmurch: Going to the fount of all knowledge
blmurch: Audience at Book Fair
blmurch: Child running around at Book Fair