blmurch: Big Hat 2
blmurch: Fathers and Sons
blmurch: Fútbol
blmurch: Oh come on!!
blmurch: Messi - culo grande
blmurch: Argentina's goal - offsides
blmurch: Blue and White
blmurch: Sad faces
blmurch: Cursing Germany
blmurch: Sofía - blue and white
blmurch: Good try
blmurch: Noooooooooo!
blmurch: Blue and White Girl
blmurch: Nervousness
blmurch: Blue and White Kids
blmurch: Argentine colors
blmurch: Sad puppy is sad
blmurch: Salt and Pepper
blmurch: Expressive eyes
blmurch: Nailbiting
blmurch: Flag waving
blmurch: Depressed
blmurch: It's over