blmurch: Dancing Folklore
blmurch: Looking to his partner
blmurch: Flirting with her partner
blmurch: Dancing with her eyes closed
blmurch: Blue and white Argentine dress
blmurch: Red and Black
blmurch: Tender looks
blmurch: Flashy Kercheif Work
blmurch: Intensity
blmurch: Starting his race
blmurch: Headed to the front
blmurch: Head
blmurch: Gauchos consulting
blmurch: Rearing
blmurch: Knife in the mouth
blmurch: Gaucho
blmurch: Gaucho on his coach
blmurch: Replacing the ring
blmurch: Knifing the ring / "Corrida de la Sortija"
blmurch: La Tradicion
blmurch: Pony and Puppy
blmurch: Puppy awake
blmurch: 4 month balls of puppy cuteness
blmurch: Mum & Gaucho
blmurch: 82 year old dancer
blmurch: Female dancing couple
blmurch: Knife and coin belt
blmurch: Folklore Dancing
blmurch: Folklore Dancing with scarves
blmurch: Beautiful costumes