blmurch: Robert and Dad
blmurch: Dad and Janet
blmurch: Goths in the shade
blmurch: Discussing egg catching techniques
blmurch: Dad and George
blmurch: Towels for cleaning up
blmurch: Passing out the eggs
blmurch: Dad has an egg
blmurch: George and Hal in line
blmurch: Dad still has his egg
blmurch: Dad throwing to George
blmurch: Dad catching
blmurch: Laurel throwing
blmurch: Egg tossing
blmurch: Laurel throwing the egg
blmurch: Caught egg
blmurch: Laurel missing
blmurch: Dad throwing the egg
blmurch: Hal throws
blmurch: George Throws
blmurch: Laughter
blmurch: Hal catching the egg
blmurch: George Misses
blmurch: Dad walks to George
blmurch: Who's got eggs
blmurch: Robert made the "turn"
blmurch: Who's still got their eggs?
blmurch: Sliding and missing
blmurch: Awesome catch
blmurch: Guy on his knees