blmurch: Shoes
blmurch: Braided wood
blmurch: Painting detail
blmurch: Betty Boop Phone
blmurch: Underwear in light and shadow
blmurch: Wood points
blmurch: Intimidating Untitled wood sculpture
blmurch: Wood sculpture from underneath
blmurch: Photographing the wood sculpture
blmurch: Broken Van
blmurch: Neon Arch
blmurch: Listening to the fish
blmurch: Saying hello
blmurch: Bubbles on Kragen's palm
blmurch: Artwork
blmurch: Garbage on display
blmurch: Hyperbole in dulce de leche
blmurch: Hanging Art
blmurch: Black and white players
blmurch: Painted curved wood
blmurch: Cat and mice
blmurch: Shrouded human form
blmurch: Zeitgeist