blmurch: Flaming tower
blmurch: Sheraton in the sunset
blmurch: Soldiers waiting to leave
blmurch: Soldiers standing guard
blmurch: Gathering the lowered flag
blmurch: Lowering the flag
blmurch: Lowering the flag
blmurch: Names of the dead
blmurch: Four soldiers standing guard
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Looking at the memorial
blmurch: Looking to the eternal flame
blmurch: Crowded memorial gathering
blmurch: Argentine and British symbols
blmurch: White Eternal Flame
blmurch: Soldiers stoic among the bugs
blmurch: Two soldiers standing guard
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Wreath
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Flowers from the British people
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Flowers at the memorial
blmurch: Falkland Island Memorial
blmurch: Gathering at the park