blmurch: Practicing in the Living Room
blmurch: On our way
blmurch: Our fearless Leader
blmurch: Duckings at the zoo
blmurch: Statue at the roundabout
blmurch: Purple flowered trees
blmurch: Back of statue
blmurch: Front of statue
blmurch: Marina being interviewed
blmurch: Warming up
blmurch: Beginning of a crowd
blmurch: Signing release forms
blmurch: Group shot!
blmurch: Emergency crew on stand by
blmurch: Little girls fighting
blmurch: Little girls running
blmurch: Kragen being interivewed
blmurch: Marina being interviewed again
blmurch: Some television personality in the suit
blmurch: First pillow casualty
blmurch: Slowly starting
blmurch: We're ready!
blmurch: Feathers
blmurch: Feather clouds
blmurch: Feather clouds crop
blmurch: Dusty air
blmurch: Photography
blmurch: Hah hah, you're a pillowhead
blmurch: Backlit crowd
blmurch: Featherdust