blmurch: Natural Gas on fire
blmurch: Ricardo pouring the rum
blmurch: Natalia and Christian
blmurch: Cacique Rum
blmurch: Christian Crawling
blmurch: Playing with the kids
blmurch: Birthday cake
blmurch: Singing Feliz Cumpleaños
blmurch: Blowing out the one candle
blmurch: Full tank of gas for $1.50
blmurch: Maturín
blmurch: Wet Balcony
blmurch: Eating after the rain
blmurch: Conference on Intellectual Property
blmurch: Art exhibit
blmurch: Registration and information
blmurch: ubuntu lecture
blmurch: R. Rodriguez
blmurch: Let sleeping dogs lie
blmurch: Old telephone system part I
blmurch: Old telephone system part II
blmurch: Cart & Buggy
blmurch: Hotel Chaimain Urns
blmurch: Ceramic Paysan
blmurch: Cave painting
blmurch: Cave painting with eagles
blmurch: Monkey Plaza
blmurch: Grinding equipment
blmurch: Swimming Pool
blmurch: Group Shot at first break