BLM Oregon & Washington: Chad Brown from Soul River Inc. addresses veterans and youths on the day's planned activities.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youth from the Soul River Inc. deployment looks at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths from the Soul River Inc deployment skip rocks on the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths from the Soul River Inc deployment skip rocks on the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths from a Soul River Inc. deployment to the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District learn compass navigation.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths from a Soul River Inc. deployment to the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District learn compass navigation. (1)
BLM Oregon & Washington: A veteran teaches a youth how to navigate with a compass at a Soul River Inc. deployment at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District.
BLM Oregon & Washington: A veteran teaches a youth how to navigate with a compass at a Soul River Inc. deployment at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District. (1)
BLM Oregon & Washington: A veteran teaches a youth how to navigate with a compass at a Soul River Inc. deployment at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District. (2)
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths from the Soul River Inc deployment skip rocks on the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District (1)
BLM Oregon & Washington: A veteran teaches a youth how to navigate with a compass at a Soul River Inc. deployment at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District
BLM Oregon & Washington: A youth and a veteran listen to a lecture from Chad Brown at a Soul River Inc. deployment on the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District.
BLM Oregon & Washington: A youth at a Soul River Inc. deployment listens to a lecture on land navigation at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale DIstrict.
BLM Oregon & Washington: A veteran teaches a youth how to use a compass at a Soul River Inc. deployment on the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale District.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths at a Soul River Inc. deployment listen to a lecture on land navigation at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale DIstrict.
BLM Oregon & Washington: Youths at a Soul River Inc. deployment listen to a lecture on land navigation at the Owyhee River in the BLM's Vale DIstrict. (1)
BLM Oregon & Washington: Three Forks Recreation Site
BLM Oregon & Washington: Owyhee River Spring 2024
BLM Oregon & Washington: Owhyee River Spring 2024
BLM Oregon & Washington: Owhyee River Spring 2024