BLM Nevada: PIO Briefs Rancher
BLM Nevada: Virgina Mtn Morning Briefing
BLM Nevada: Doyle Helibase Rapel Team
BLM Nevada: Doyle Helibase Rapel Team
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Air Ops Pyramid Lake / Woody & Big Canyon Ranch
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Tahoe Hotshots
BLM Nevada: Plume from backfires set at Woody & Big Canyon Ranch
BLM Nevada: Tule_Smoke_Plume_from ICP_August 2
BLM Nevada: Aftermath of Tule in Big Canyon
BLM Nevada: begining mop up near Big Canyon August 3
BLM Nevada: Big Canyon Burnout with Pyramid Lake in Background
BLM Nevada: Big Canyon Panorama of Burnout August 2, 2016
BLM Nevada: Briefing at Spike Camp_August 3
BLM Nevada: Putting in secondary line August 3, 2016
BLM Nevada: smoke rises from the burned area
BLM Nevada: spike camp at pyramid lake panorama
BLM Nevada: FireAnderson_2151_helicopter_work_edited
BLM Nevada: FireTule_Scooper_1951_edited
BLM Nevada: FireTuleScooperPyramidLake_2048_edited
BLM Nevada: Virginia complex 2016
BLM Nevada: crews brief before heading to the fire_pruit_August 1_edited
BLM Nevada: hiking out to the fire line_pruit_august1_edited
BLM Nevada: helibase_preparation_pruit_photo_august1_edited