BLM Nevada: Camping in low sage can be an adventure with spectacular views of summer rainbows! This picture was taken in the Massacre area of Nevada.
BLM Nevada: A beautiful Massacre sunrise - to continue a day of work in the desert. This picture was taken in the Massacre area of Nevada
BLM Nevada: This picture followed a massive summer thunderstorm, which showcases this outstanding, almost too perfect to be real rainbow. This picture was taken in the Massacre area of Nevada.
BLM Nevada: The beauty of the desert becomes encapsulated in flora such as this. This picture was taken in the Massacre area of Nevada.
BLM Nevada: Wandering through the desert often unleashes evidence of past human inhabitants. Here is one such example of a very small arrowhead, almost symmetrically uniform. This arrowhead was seen in the Massacre area of Nevada.
BLM Nevada: When walking along through the desert, it is always important to anticipate creatures popping out from underground. As in this case, a badger…you definitely don’t want to step on one of these! The picture of this badger was taken in the Massacre area
BLM Nevada: Hickison Stairs
BLM Nevada: Hickison Petroglyphs
BLM Nevada: Hickison Petroglyphs
BLM Nevada: DSC_2836_FL
BLM Nevada: DSC_2928_PS
BLM Nevada: DSC_2992_PS
BLM Nevada: DSC_9636_PS
BLM Nevada: IMG_4263
BLM Nevada: Landscape shot_Gold Bar_PS
BLM Nevada: Out on the range
BLM Nevada: Petar1
BLM Nevada: SC Pan
BLM Nevada: Shoshone OHV Vista
BLM Nevada: Singer1
BLM Nevada: smallhouse
BLM Nevada: LewisCanyon
BLM Nevada: Hangry at lunch time
BLM Nevada: Red_Tail_PS
BLM Nevada: Rhyolite
BLM Nevada: SageGrouse Chick
BLM Nevada: Lemon Orange Prickly Pear
BLM Nevada: Moth