BLM Nevada: Every Kid in a Park program passes
BLM Nevada: Secretary Jewell answers questions about the new program
BLM Nevada: Ekip at RRCNCA Vis Ctr
BLM Nevada: Students participate with great enthusiasm
BLM Nevada: Students line up to receive their free pass cards
BLM Nevada: SNDO - EKiP Kate leads kids
BLM Nevada: Students enjoy an interpretive program moment
BLM Nevada: Students tour Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center
BLM Nevada: Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Center
BLM Nevada: Secretary Jewell tells students about their new park passes
BLM Nevada: Students receive their free passes: Every Kid in a Park
BLM Nevada: Students proudly display their new passes with Secretary Jewell
BLM Nevada: Every Kid in a Park presentation is followed by an interpretive walk
BLM Nevada: Students display their new pass cards
BLM Nevada: Students eager to learn about their new program pass
BLM Nevada: Secretary Sally Jewell leads students on an interpretive walk
BLM Nevada: Secretary Sally Jewell with students showing their new cards
BLM Nevada: Every Kid in a Park
BLM Nevada: Students display their new Every Kid in a Park pass cards
BLM Nevada: Students review their program materials
BLM Nevada: Maps and Symbols
BLM Nevada: Pilar Ziegler helping youth camper with materials
BLM Nevada: Top Ten items for your wagon
BLM Nevada: Tyrolean River Crossing - Youth Camp
BLM Nevada: P1010407
BLM Nevada: P1010387
BLM Nevada: EKIP, Every Kid in a Park Free pass
BLM Nevada: EKIP, Every Kid in a Park FREE passes...
BLM Nevada: Junior Explorer program
BLM Nevada: BLM Staff with EKIP, Every Kid in a Park pass recipient.