blkittell: Lenten Rose (Helebore)
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: Goldfinch
blkittell: House Finch and Cardinal Square Up
blkittell: House Finch
blkittell: House Finch
blkittell: House Finches and Goldfinches
blkittell: House Finches and Goldfinches
blkittell: House Finches and Goldfinches
blkittell: Waiting Line for the Feeders
blkittell: Goldfinch
blkittell: House Finch
blkittell: Black-capped Chickadee
blkittell: Finches on a Limb
blkittell: House Finches on a Branch
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: A male Cardinal
blkittell: Four goldfinches on the thistle seed feeder.
blkittell: A morning dove looking for seed on the ground
blkittell: Goldfinches looking for birdseed