babadachi: Across the river....
babadachi: From a window....
babadachi: Above from a window
babadachi: No need for color, nope!
babadachi: Bank branches
babadachi: Optimistic
babadachi: Haven't we met?
babadachi: Turn to the raht!
babadachi: Trees aside, a road.
babadachi: Wet and white
babadachi: White and wet
babadachi: Back of the house! Back of the house!
babadachi: Hills like white hills
babadachi: All roads lead to nowhere
babadachi: Cold but not caring
babadachi: What a big mountain you've got!
babadachi: Not again, please, that mountain!
babadachi: Good Bird Hunting
babadachi: Over the river and through the woods
babadachi: Duck Season
babadachi: Now I will lean down and gently touch the other &#&%#&#&
babadachi: Hey! I'm walking here! I'm walking here!
babadachi: View from Study