BlindTurtle: Sometimes he sits and thinks and sometimes he just sits.
BlindTurtle: "Girls, where are you?"
BlindTurtle: Bug, bling and book
BlindTurtle: Tampa Bay Lightning!
BlindTurtle: Washington Capitals
BlindTurtle: Happy trails to you.
BlindTurtle: These are a few of my favorite things.
BlindTurtle: Thunderbug!
BlindTurtle: "Are you taking a picture of the back of my head?" "No."
BlindTurtle: Had to have it.
BlindTurtle: Caps win
BlindTurtle: How drunk are we?
BlindTurtle: Indi FTW!
BlindTurtle: PENALTY KILL.
BlindTurtle: Hellooooo, Marty.