blindhogmike: Carpenter Bee DSC_6745-1
blindhogmike: Longhorn Bee on Purple Coneflower -Explored- DSC_2618-1
blindhogmike: Common Eastern Bumble Bee on Purple Coneflower DSC_2625-1
blindhogmike: Black Magics DSC_2281-1
blindhogmike: Sweet Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia rubra) DSC_9076
blindhogmike: Lichen (Usnea) DSC_8592
blindhogmike: Lichen (Physcia with Usnea) DSC_8600
blindhogmike: Cedar Tree at Folly Beach, SC DSC_0019
blindhogmike: Daylily Stamen DSC_0421
blindhogmike: Stokesia laevis (Stokes' aster) DSC_2508
blindhogmike: Gnarly Tree on the Blue Ridge Parkway -Explored- DSC_7547
blindhogmike: Bonsai Red Maple DSC_7304
blindhogmike: Wild Iris (Iris virginica) DSC_8725
blindhogmike: Carnivorous Pitcher Plants (cultivated) DSC_3984
blindhogmike: Magnolia Tree Seed Pod DSC_6110
blindhogmike: Bees on Sunflower DSC_7977-Edit
blindhogmike: Carolina horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) IMG_1994-Edit