Bless the weather:
Clouds and sky over Mont st Michel
Bless the weather:
Early morning at Mont St Michel colour
Bless the weather:
Clouds over the hut
Bless the weather:
Early light Mt Saint-Michel 2011
Bless the weather:
Clouds, 2 buildings and a cross by the sea in Normandy
Bless the weather:
Evening light over Mt St Michel from Genets 2010
Bless the weather:
Mt St Michel beach b&w (2) 2005
Bless the weather:
Normandy beach. Horse hoof-prints leading to Mont St Michel
Bless the weather:
Dec 2011 Mont St Michel morning waves 1
Bless the weather:
Dec 2009 beach water shells Mont St Michel black and white
Bless the weather:
Aug 2011 Mt St Michel b&w
Bless the weather:
Mont St Michel in early winter morning
Bless the weather:
Route du Bec d'Andaine
Bless the weather:
Granville in winter light
Bless the weather:
Waiting for Dick van Dyke in Granville