blerta0235: Le piccole cose della vita
blerta0235: Lepurushi dhe shtepia e vogel
blerta0235: Perfect reflection
blerta0235: Asnje si ty!
blerta0235: Spring
blerta0235: Little piece of you
blerta0235: Arome Joni
blerta0235: Pushimet duken kaq larg! :(
blerta0235: By your side
blerta0235: Into you
blerta0235: IMG_4375
blerta0235: Hare ngjyrash!
blerta0235: Sweet thoughts
blerta0235: IMG_5861
blerta0235: Full of light
blerta0235: Flying safe
blerta0235: The window
blerta0235: Lojerat e Sonyt :D
blerta0235: Atje larg
blerta0235: Sazani
blerta0235: Hene e plote mbi Dhermi
blerta0235: Kur do vijne pushimet?
blerta0235: Shine bright
blerta0235: Don't get in my way, unless I happen to be going down
blerta0235: Vera eshte te kthesa tjeter :P
blerta0235: Petullfaqe
blerta0235: Naaahh!
blerta0235: Wanna take me a picture?