bill.lepere: Bald Eagle
bill.lepere: Snowy Egret Looking for Dinner
bill.lepere: Crane in a Field
bill.lepere: Scrub Jay
bill.lepere: "Rodger Wood Stork, You're Clear for Landing"
bill.lepere: Roseate Spoonbill
bill.lepere: In Flight
bill.lepere: Circle B Bar Ranch
bill.lepere: Gracefulness
bill.lepere: Pre Post Landing
bill.lepere: Diving for Dinner
bill.lepere: Tri-colored Heron
bill.lepere: Jonathan...
bill.lepere: Nailed the Landing
bill.lepere: Anhinga
bill.lepere: Ol' Blue Eyes
bill.lepere: Spring Time Posing
bill.lepere: Landing over hostile territory
bill.lepere: Pelican Nuptial Tubercle
bill.lepere: Gotcha!
bill.lepere: Morning Reflection
bill.lepere: Green Heron
bill.lepere: Taking that First Step
bill.lepere: Great Blue in a Tree
bill.lepere: I'm Not Speaking With You Either
bill.lepere: Our Young Look Up to Us
bill.lepere: Cattle Egret Breeding Plumage Gatorland
bill.lepere: Egret Flight