Blenda Studio: Zippy Greeting Visitors at the Studio Counter
Blenda Studio: Erica is Laughing
Blenda Studio: Open Studio June 2011
Blenda Studio: Open Studios 2011
Blenda Studio: Decorating with Fresh Flowers
Blenda Studio: Open Studio 2011
Blenda Studio: Red Poppies in the Studio
Blenda Studio: In My Studio
Blenda Studio: Zippy greeting guests at the Open Studio Tour
Blenda Studio: My Friend Carole
Blenda Studio: Exhibition Willamette Falls
Blenda Studio: My hunky Joe adjusting the studio lights.
Blenda Studio: Fall Decor at front of Gift Shop
Blenda Studio: Cindy Briggs,me and Kara Pilcher at Sunriver
Blenda Studio: Paintings ready to hang
Blenda Studio: Sue Allen hanging my artwork for show