Bruce_of_Oz: Holga 135 Pan Prototype - poor man's Hasselblad XPan
Bruce_of_Oz: Holga 135 Pan with Mamiya 55/4.5
Bruce_of_Oz: Holga 135 Pan vs Holga 120 Pan
Bruce_of_Oz: Holga_135Pan_vs_Widelux
Bruce_of_Oz: The side view - Holga135Pan_55f45_C200A_005
Bruce_of_Oz: The back view - Holga135Pan_55f45_C200A_008
Bruce_of_Oz: The narrow train corridor - Holga135Pan_55f45_C200A_012
Bruce_of_Oz: Waiting for the call in the state room - Holga135Pan_55f45_C200A_014
Bruce_of_Oz: Railway crossing - Holga135Pan_55f45_C200A_019