B Zahl:
CampKDE 2011 Poster
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Rob Oakes -- revolutions
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Campkde watchers
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Rob oakes -- revolutions
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Sadeagle is real!
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Back of the room
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Gary and Maksim
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Supper at a Salvadoran place
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Wtf? Anti-bank rally.
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Noisebridge: That's a lot of hacking
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Noisebridge: they haz toyz
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Cake vs pie
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The sewing section...
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Noisebridge has people doing things
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KDE at Noisebridge
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Noisebridge party
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Go khtml! Blauzahl & SadEagle
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"look Brazilian!"
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Leo lightening talk
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Rapt listeners
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How to get involved
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We love kdevelop!
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Carol's talk
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Yes the hotel floor is always at a slant
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Lwn reporter to the left
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q&a time at carol's talk